It’s been a number of years since I phased out the illustration blog in favor of other social media platforms, but I have missed the opportunity to share artistic process and philosophy in a longer — and more elegant — form right here on my website.
In a recent interview with GoComics, which you can find here, I was asked about my five-year-plan. The last plan I’d written was in 2015, so a re-evaluation was beneficial. It was interesting to note which of these predictions and goals have come to fruition, which were scrapped, and which are still works in progress.
As usual, I have a lot of irons in the fire, and sometimes projects are developed over the span of years by their nature or as other assignments with more urgent deadlines present themselves. While I’ll keep the specifics of my five-year-plan close to the vest, here are some of the projects that I’m currently working on…
ANIMATION: My Guardian Grandpa Volume IV: In Their Day trailer post-production
ANIMATION: Untitled Buddy and Romeo Short pre-production
ANIMATION: Dinner! With Lloyd and His Voices pre-production
WRITING: Untitled Satirical Children’s Book working draft/pre-vis
WRITING: Untitled Children’s Book early drafts
Then there are, of course, always weekly deadlines for our daily comic strip and quarterly magazine cartoon submissions. That’s all for details now but I look forward to sharing more behind-the-scenes posts here again soon.
See you in the funny papers.
UPDATE: August 17, 2020
ANIMATION: My Guardian Grandpa Volume IV: In Their Day trailer completed
ANIMATION: Untitled Buddy and Romeo Short in production
WRITING: Untitled Satirical Children’s Book pre-vis
WRITING: Untitled Children’s Book submitted